What is a Foundation Apprenticeship?
Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils. Genius People deliver the FA programme in one academical year. During the course of the year young people spend time learning the theory side of their chosen subject along with gaining industry knowledge, experience and an industry recognised qualification.
The FA’s will be conducted over a Tuesday and a Thursday – which allows you the opportunity to work in your chosen industry throughout the school year. The FA opportunity compliments your subject choices in S5 or S6 and fits in with your school timetable.
The Foundation Apprenticeship qualification is equivalent to a higher. Employers, Colleges and Universities recognise the qualification on course applications and CV’s. After successfully completing the FA, two certificates are awarded – National Progression Award (NPA) & Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) in the subject worked on.
The young person must have the ability to study at SCQF level 6 (Higher equivalent) in a vocational setting and meet the entry requirements of the course. Attainment is measured by ongoing assessment throughout the year
Genius People are in partnership with many small to global companies. We are pleased to offer pupils in the Glasgow area the opportunity to study and train for the following Foundation Apprenticeship (August 2019 – June 2020)
• Financial Services
• ICT Hardware
Where can your Foundation Apprenticeship lead you to!
A Foundation Apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to gain the skills employers want in a new employee – including good timekeeping and being able to work with others in a professional manner.
If you choose to go straight into employment, you will have the opportunity to continue your apprenticeship journey and complete your Modern Apprenticeship. You will already have some industry knowledge and completed some of the framework at school, so will be ahead of the competition at the interview stage.
If you choose to go into further education, then the establishments are fully aware of Foundation Apprenticeships and this will count towards your conditional/unconditional offer.
If you would like more information on our Foundation Apprenticeship opportunities contact us:
Tel: 0141 280 0265
Email: [email protected]