Apprenticeship Levy

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The Scottish Government has taken a different approach to the Apprenticeship Levy, whilst organisation that have all their staff or a proportion of their staff in Scotland pay into the levy in the same way as England -0.5% of their pay role for £3 Million, there access to this pot is totally different.

In Scotland this levy is paid into a communal pot for all apprenticeship requirements across all organisations in Scotland as opposed to England where it is ring-fenced for purely for that organisation alone.

In Scotland the apprenticeship are, aimed and funded predominately for under 25 year olds.

There is still some funding for over 25’s within the STEM groupings but often requires an employer contribution

The only way to access your levy pot to use make the most of this contribution is use it to train current staff or for new recruitment.   

If you have staff in both Scotland and England, the pot is spilt by the proportion of staff in each country and treated inline with the rules for each.

Any staff that are based in Scotland but spend more than 50% of their working hours in England can access their levy pots as per the English rules.   

Funding Options

For all organisations whether you are a levy or non-levy payer are predominately the same. In Scotland this levy is paid into a communal pot for all apprenticeship requirements across all organisations in Scotland as opposed to England where it is ring-fenced for purely for that organisation alone.

In Scotland the apprenticeship are aimed and funded predominately for under 25 year olds. There is still some funding for over 25’s but often requires an employer contribution.The only way to access your levy pot to use make the most of this contribution is use it to train current staff or for new recruitment.

If you have staff in both Scotland and England, the pot is spilt by the proportion of staff in each country and treated inline with the rules for each. Any staff that are based in Scotland but spend more than 50% of their working hours in England can access their levy pots as per the English rules.


Modern Apprenticeships

Funding for apprenticeships comes via Skills Development Scotland and working in partnership with a training provider such as Genius.

The funding is targeted to priority age groups: 16-19 and 20-24. For candidates who are 25+ a small proportion of funding is available within certain sectors and may require an employer contribution to delivery fully.

The apprenticeship programme is a work-based programme and can be tailored to meet the individual needs of the employer and the candidate offering a bespoke solution.

Come and talk to our business development team who will be able to discuss what options are available for your organisation.

Funding Recruitment Incentive

Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive (SERI) targets support at unemployed young people. The goal is to get them into a job or a Modern Apprenticeship.

You can get up to £4,000 when your company commits to a new job or new Modern Apprentice (MA).

The funding is a contribution towards the additional costs of recruiting a young person during their first 52 weeks of sustainable employment.

The incentive is a co-investment in young people with a view to helping businesses grow.

As a national minimum, it is expected that 25% of places allocated to local authorities will support young people who are care leavers, carers, an ex-offender or disabled.

To find out more speak to one of our business development team or follow the link below:

Our Skillsforce

SDS Individual Training Account (ITA)

Learners can get £200 towards the cost of a training course with an individual Training Account (ITA).

Genius are an approved training provider and offer a range of different courses to develop your knowledge skills.

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